The Council of each School acts as
a coordinating body for its group of
Faculties and filters much of the academic business before transmission to the
General Board.
The Council of the School of the Humanities and Social Sciences
The Council
of the School consists of the following
(a) the
Heads of the Departments of History and Philosophy of Science and of Land
Economy, the Heads of the three Departments within the Faculty of Human, Social,
and Political Science, and one person appointed by each of the Faculty Boards
of Economics, Education, History, and Law;
(b) an
undergraduate and a graduate student representative.
Council is chaired by the Head of the School and appoints a Deputy Head
(Education) from amongst its membership.
Further information on the Council of the School, including meeting dates and minutes, can be found on the CSHSS website:
Council of the School meeting information »
School Committees
Council has the following Committees:
- Resource
- Research
- Graduate
- Undergraduate
The School Office
School Office supports
the Council and its Committees and, for example:
- Social Science Research Strategy Group
- ESRC Doctoral Training Centre
- (Philomathia) Social Science Research Programme
- Social Science Research Methods Centre
- HSS Ethics Committee
- Research Grant activity including Research
Facilitators, Project Advisor, small grants and managed Researcher space
Faculty/Department administration
Useful links on the CSHSS website: