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Membership of the General Board


Composition of the General Board

The membership of the General Board comprises:

  • The Vice-Chancellor (Chair);

  • The Heads of the University’s six Schools: Arts and Humanities; Humanities and Social Sciences; Physical Sciences; Biological Sciences; Technology; and the Clinical School.

  • The Deputy Heads of the Schools of Arts and Humanities and of the Humanities and Social Sciences;

  • Four members appointed by the University Council of whom a number are also members of the University Council;

  • Two student members, representing the University’s undergraduate and postgraduate students.

The Secretary of the Board is the Academic Secretary. 

Meeting attendees include the Draftsman and those Pro-Vice-Chancellors who are not otherwise members of the Board. Others may be invited to attend meetings for particular items. 

Current membership 

The Board's current membership is as follows: 


Chair: The Vice-Chancellor;

Prof. Chris Young, Pembroke;
Prof. Emily So, Magdalene and St Edmund's;
School of Arts and Humanities

Prof. Anna Philpott, Clare;
School of the Biological Sciences

Prof. Patrick Henry Maxwell, Trinity;
School of Clinical Medicine

Prof. Tim H​arper, Magdalene;
Dr Ella McPherson, ​Queens';
School of the Humanities and Social Sciences

Prof. Nigel Peake, Emmanuel College;
School of the Physical Sciences

Prof. Richard Penty, Sidney Sussex;
School of Technology

Prof. Dame Madeleine Atkins, Lucy Cavendish;
Dr Pieter Van Houten, Churchill;
Prof. Bhaskhar Vira, Fitzwilliam;
Appointed by the Council

Caredig ap Tomos, Magdalene;
Anastasia  Perysinakis, Churchill;
Student Members

Secretary: Academic Secretary, Dr Michael Glover​​​​​​​