URL (current Regent House members only):
As part of the University’s governance processes, members of the Regent House are empowered to act collectively in a number of ways. The Regent House Petitions site (Regent House members only) aims to assist members of the Regent House to coordinate such actions by facilitating the circulation of proposals (petitions) and the collection of signatures in support of them.
How it works
Individual members seeking signatures in support of the above actions can host their petition on the site and distribute a link to it so other members of the Regent House can view the details and choose whether to sign it by submitting the integrated form. Detailed guidance on raising a petition on the site and on signing a petition is available from the links on the right.
The Petitions site is designed to host petitions drafted by members of the Regent House for circulation and signature. The site (and its content) is only available to current members of the Regent House. Members should log in to the site using their University account (crsid@cam.ac.uk) and UIS password to view and sign petitions of interest. Other University accounts which also give access to SharePoint (e.g. name@jbs.cam.ac.uk) will not give full access to the site. To avoid issues with cached logins, you may need to sign in using a new incognito/inprivate/private browser window (right-clicking in the browser toolbar normally gives access to this option).
The Petitions site is hosted in University's SharePoint Online environment. Any members of the Regent House who experience problems logging in to the site for the first time should check that their UIS account has been synced to their University Microsoft account. This is a simple process and detailed guidance is provided on the UIS website on how to check and sync passwords; if access problems persist please contact the UIS service desk (servicedesk@uis.cam.ac.uk) in the first instance.
Petitions site administration
The Petitions site is administered by the University Draftsman and the Reporter office (part of the Governance and Compliance Division), whose involvement with each petition is purely administrative. Queries on the Petitions site processes and administration may be directed to them by email to UniversityDraftsman@admin.cam.ac.uk.
The Petitions site is a work in progress, set up at a time when the submission of hard-copy petitions and the collection of signatures was made more difficult owing to the coronavirus (Covid-19) pandemic. It is hoped users will find the site clear and easy to use but it is an evolving resource and suggestions for improvements are welcome and should be sent to the University Draftsman email address above.