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Joining the Regent House

How the Roll is produced

The Roll is generated from records on CHRIS, the University's HR database. A report identifies University staff and those holding affiliated titles and other roles who match the eligibility criteria. In addition, the Clerk of the Roll of the Regent House contacts the Colleges each year in the summer to obtain an up-to-date list of those who are Fellows, as defined under the College's statutes, and are ordinarily resident within twenty miles of the University Church, and College officers who qualify for Regent House membership. 

Publication once a year

The Roll is 'promulgated' (published and brought into effect) once a year on the fifth weekday in November. Regardless of seniority, individuals who join the collegiate University in eligible roles will not become members of the Regent House until the next promulgation of the Roll; names are added/removed annually so such individuals will have to wait until the November following their appointment to be included. Only those people whose names appear on the Roll of the Regent House when it is promulgated can employ the voting and other rights​ conveyed through membership of the Regent House.

Updating Roll listings

Individuals can check if they are on the current Roll of the Regent House by looking at the latest promulgated Roll, published as Reporter Special ‘Roll of the Regent House / List of members of the Faculties’, and available on the Reporter Specials page for the relevant promulgation year. 

Updates to the Roll are made each year with a preliminary Roll published on 1 October before the final Roll is promulgated in November. Individuals are advised to consult the relevant Regulations on membership of the Regent House and the preliminary Roll each year to check whether they are - or ought to be - included on the list of members prior to its promulgation. If your name doesn’t appear on the Roll, but you think it should do, or if you wish to revise the way in which your name appears or your College affiliation, you should contact the Clerk of the Roll of the Regent House, Julia Copson (email, who will be able to advise you. ​

The deadline for notifying the Registrary’s Office of any amendments is publicised alongside the preliminary Roll in the 1 October Special Reporter. It is generally around a fortnight before the November promulgation. NB Once the Roll has been promulgated it is not possible to make amendments until the next edition.

Recent changes to Regent House membership

The age limit on membership was removed from November 2019 and therefore now Life Fellows of the Colleges are eligible for Regent House membership, provided that they meet the residence requirements.

A change in the criteria for membership from 6 November 2020 allows retired members of University staff who were previously on the Roll to reacquire Regent House membership or retiring staff currently on the Roll to retain their membership if the head of the University institution in which they are/were employed certifies each year that they are active participants in the University’s affairs. A form is available.  This category of membership is normally only used by those who do not qualify in another category, for example as a College Fellow. Please ask your head of institution to complete the form and submit it by 15 August each year.

Those holding the titles of Affiliated Assistant Professor, Affiliated Associate Professor and Affiliated Professor are eligible for Regent House membership from 5 November 2021 (Affiliated Lecturers remain eligible for membership). 

A major change to the eligibility criteria for University staff will be effective from the November 2022 Roll. All University staff holding posts at or equivalent to Grade 9 and above will be eligible for Regent House membership. The change to a grade-based system replaces the provision for the inclusion of 'other University officers',  and means University officers at Grade 8 and below will no longer qualify for Regent House membership by virtue of their office, but all University staff at Grade 9 (or equivalent) and above will be included, regardless of whether their post is established or unestablished. The change was made, among others, as part of the Council's governance review and following a consultation and ballot of the Regent House in Michaelmas Term 2021. The provisions for Regent House membership effective from November 2022 are collated in a pdf available from the links on the right.
