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RPC Membership

​Last updated: August 2023

Current Members

  • Prof Anne Ferguson-Smith (Chair) (Pro-Vice-Chancellor for Research and International Relations)
  • Dr Diarmuid O'Brien (Pro-Vice-Chancellor for Innovation)
  • Prof Christopher Young (Head of the School of Arts and Humanities)
  • Prof Tim Harper (Head of the School of the Humanities and Social Sciences)
  • Prof Nigel Peake (Head of the School of the Physical Sciences)
  • Prof Richard Penty (Head of the School of Technology)
  • Prof Anna Philpott (Head of the School of the Biological Sciences)
  • Prof Patrick Maxwell (Head of the School of Clinical Medicine)
  • Vacant (General Board appointment, SAH)
  • Prof Jeremy Baumberg (General Board appointment, SPS)
  • Prof Roisin Owens (General Board appointment, ST)
  • Prof ​Antonio Vidal-Puig (General Board appointment, SCM)
  • Prof Sarah Bray (General Board appointment, SBS)
  • Prof Mette Eilstrup-Sangiovanni (General Board appointment, SHSS)
  • Vacancy (Member in Class F)
  • Vacancy (Member in Class G)
  • Prof John Pyle (Member in Class E)
  • Dr Ayesha Siddiqi (Member in Class E)
  • Prof Gordon Harold (Member in Class E)
  • Prof John Aston (Member in Class H)
  • Dr Mireia Crispin (Member in Class H)
  • Vacancy (Member in Class I)

Attending Officers

  • Dr ​Michael Glover (Academic Secretary)
  • Vacant (Head, University Research Office)
  • Mr Craig Brierley (Head of Research Communications, Office of External Affairs and Communications)
  • Ms Alison Traub (Director, Development and Alumni Relations)
  • Ms Gordana Najdanovic (Research Strategy Office)
  • Dr Rhys Morgan (Secretary) (Research Strategy Office)

The membership of the RPC comprises:

  • The Pro-Vice-Chancellor for Research (Chair).
  • The Pro-Vice Chancellor for Enterprise and Business Relations.
  • The Heads of the University’s six Schools: Arts and Humanities; Humanities and Social Sciences; Physical Sciences; Biological Sciences; Technology; and Clinical Medicine.
  • Six persons appointed by the General Board, on the nomination of each of the Councils of the Schools, who are active Principal Investigators for research grants. Members in this category are appointed for a term of two calendar years, and may be re-appointed.
  • Not more than four persons invited by the Chair in recognition of their positions on the senior committees of major research funding agencies.
  • ​A member appointed by the Committee from among postdoctoral research staff and Junior Research Fellows, on the nomination of the Head of the Office of Postdoctoral Affairs.
  • Not more than two persons co-opted at the discretion of the Committee.
There is no provision for alternates or deputies, except in the case of the Regius Professor of Physic (in whose absence the Deputy Head of the School of Clinical Medicine may attend).
Meeting attendees include the Academic Secretary, the Head of the University Research Office, the Director of Communications, the Director of Development and the CEO of Cambridge Enterprise.

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