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Cambridge University Reporter


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The Cambridge University Reporter is the official journal of the University, and carries items that are integral to the progression of University business.

The first edition was published in October 1870, and cost six pence for each edition. Prior to this, the principal record of University business was a series of 'Grace Books' (from 1454 to 1870).

Since September 2011, the Reporter has been an online-only publication. Ordinary weekly editions are published every Wednesday during Full Term. There are also ‘Special Numbers’, which focus on a particular area – the Roll of the Regent House, or the List of Fellows, for example, and occasional extraordinary editions.

The Reporter carries a wide range of material, including straightforward announcements, or Notices, Reports, which usually cover more complex matters in more detail, Faculty Board notices, regulation changes, Graces, and Acta (approved Graces).

Each issue is divided into two parts. The first contains articles relating to official University business, published by University bodies such as the Council or General Board that have the right to report to the University. The second part covers unofficial business, and includes notices by Colleges, societies and some external organisations. Reports of Discussions (transcripts of what was said) are also recorded in the unofficial section.

How do I subscribe to the Reporter?

If you sign up to the Reporter, you will get a weekly email alert to tell you that a Reporter has just been published online. The alert will contain a web link which will take you to that week's edition of the Reporter online. To subscribe to this, please click the blue 'join the mailing list' button in the right column of the Reporter homepage​

How do I submit a notice for publication in the Reporter?

Email the Reporter team at with the text that you would like to be included. They may edit it further to comply with Reporter style, and will get back to you with any proposed changes and details of when it will be published. 

What is the deadline for submitting notices for publication in the Reporter?

The deadline for the publication of notices is Friday at 4pm for publication the following Wednesday; this enables the Reporter team to create a draft Reporter on the Monday for circulation to key personnel, before it is checked on Tuesday and uploaded to the web on Wednesday.